Rural Development Fellowship Programme Training
Comprehensive training will be provided to the Fellows of the Rural Development Fellowship Programme to ensure that they can effectively carry out their duties as high-calibre development professionals.
Seeing is learning
- Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA) and Tata Trusts to provide training.
- Immersion visit to model villages in Raigad, Yavatmal and Ahmednagar to understand first-hand how change can be initiated.
Know your panchayat
- Deployment to assigned Gram Panchayats (GPs) for 2 weeks to conduct preliminary data collection exercise and to get a feel of GPs.
- District Mission Council workshop to initiate relationship with local administrations.
Trained to perfection
- Return to YASHADA to participate in training programme conducted by Tata Trusts, Watershed Organisation Trust and the Maharashtra Vidnyan Parishad in thematic areas specific to assigned GPs.
- Analytical training in grass-roots planning and intervention processes by Tata Trusts.
The guiding lights
- Fellows will have a mentor who will guide them through the 12 months and support them in case of any challenges.
- Mentors will include Lead Development Partners, academic practitioners, corporate partners and senior government officials.